Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Shake Me Up

Anyone else tired? I need something to shake me up. Seriously. I feel like I should be doing some great craft with my kids or baking some Paleo treat but all I want to do is grab a Dairy Queen hot fudge sundae and sit on the couch and watch Downton Abbey or my DVR recordings. How can I be so sleepy from raising children? Where has my motivation gone this week. Having a cold could be part of my lack of "being in the moment mommy" ... it's touch taking care of three little ones when there is no one to take care of you or to really care that you have the sniffles or your ears feel like someone is sticking sippy cup straws down their canals and blowing. Being a mommy is tough sometimes and it is sometimes hard to find the funny in mommy when "mommy" is said with a whine or a scream at the end. So what to do? Count my blessings or think of the things that make me happy? How about a happy list .... old school sitcoms, pumpkin treats, fall afternoons, rainy mornings, coffee, my mom's hugs, my kids laughing, my husband's sense of humor, a really good book, a really hot bath, snow, boots, jeans, a good hair day, the Food Network, a day when everything goes to plan, pumpkin patches, Christmas tree farms, yoga, the sun, sharing a common bond, a really good daytime talk show, the game show network, old friends, new friends, nut butters, pinterest, new clothes, new shoes, a manicure, a pedicure, being pregnant, being good with NOT being pregnant, cold weather, donuts, coffee shops, coupon clipping, clean floors, folded laundry, new sheets, nap time, long walks. I'm starting to feel better already ... plus I just realized it is nap time and Downton Abbey is in the DVD player and I have a whole playroom to clean. Three cheers for a mommy with a cold finding the happy in the afternoon.

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