A couple of weeks back, while taking the kiddos to the library, I came across an announcement that they would be hosting a published author of six novels. Those who are close to me know that I’ve been writing my whole life and aspire to do something related to this creative passion. I figured I could take two hours out of my exciting Tuesday night and see what this guy had to say about the passion we shared.
The evening of the event, all the kids were fed, bathed and in bed as I headed over to our tiny library. Walking into Room AB, the crowd was getting crazy … or not. Three others sat in chairs, a small gray haired woman, a man of late fifties with large glasses and over sized feet wearing a pair of worn blue jeans and white Reeboks and the last audience member I recognized as an employee of the library with frizzy bed head and black rimmed glasses. As we sat waiting for this to arrive, in walked a man of average height with tight curly auburn hair and tanned freckled leathery skin. He reminded me of Albert Brooks. He made some crack about the large turn out and then jumped into his story.
To make a long story short his journey was intriguing and inspiring to say the least. Here was this guy from the Midwest who took all the thoughts he had swirling around his head and was able to put them to paper. Creating and selling six successful novels. He wasn't afraid of what others had to say and frankly didn't give a shit, as long as he was getting his story across and felt that he was entertaining a crowd of readers out there. He went on to talk about how to get your writing a following crowd. These followers would eventually be interested in buying/reading your books once you conquered the process of putting pen to paper, finding an agent/publisher and so on. Social media was his answer. Facebook, blogging, Twitter. Use it and abuse it. Get your words out there so the people could read it, love it and/or hate it. Get a reaction.
True, I wanted a reaction but in the past I had skipped so many blog postings of others because they weren't my cup of tea or just were boring. I raised my hand and relayed this experience, adding "What makes me special? Why would someone read my "stuff"? This odd character responded with words that gave me the kick that I needed, "You're right. What makes you special? Do you have a gift to entertain? Will you reach a certain crowd? You won't know until you get your "stuff" out there and see if the masses respond."
So here I am, with my words standing naked in front of you. I will warn you that I am a writer because I love to write, I find enjoyment and happiness in writing while sharing and entertaining others with my words. I find a thrill in reaching the emotions of readers through the power of words. I don't care about grammar or paragraphs. I care about emotions, expanding the mind and connecting with others, not if my punctuation is correct. If you care about commas and paragraphs please move on. But if you are looking for real emotions and uncanny words, get comfortable and stay awhile. Read my past posts. Follow my blog. Share with your FB friends. Email it to your mom. Post a link to your Twitter. In return, I promise to do my best in entertaining you on a regular basis and even try my hand at grammar and punctuation.
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